langkah pertama tulis 160 pada label lalu oke..
anda mungkin menyangka sampai itu aja tapi belum anda lupa satu hal yaitu coba anda blok bagian bawah kotak seperti gambar berikut
tuh kan ada tulisan yang tersembunyi di bawah kotak maka kita harus melengkapi kalmat tersebut kemudian kalimat yang terputus itu kita tulis pada kotak jawaban lalu oke ..
untuk yang tidak sama pada soal gua lho bisa cari sendiri dah pada soal berikut..
- . All heritage conservation work, whether it be of a building, monument or site should be based upon and preceded by sufficient historical research, site analysis and documentation to identify and safeguard fully the heritage values to be conserved.
- The evolution of the structure(s) and the site should be respected. The contributions of all periods are important to the historical development and merit retention. Decisions about appropriate levels of intervention shall be based upon the heritage values of each contribution.
- Long-term protection of the historic resource should be balanced with user requirements and future resource management goals should be identified prior to undertaking any work.
- The approach to all heritage conservation projects should be one of minimal intervention to ensure the maximum preservation of the existing and authentic physical fabric and retention of the signs of age.
- Conjecture and the falsification of building elements should be avoided in all heritage conservation projects.
- A well-defined maintenance plan
should be clearly established in order to prepare for appropriate level of
maintenance and care upon completionThanks Gan Atas Perhatian nya&Selesaikan semua Jawabannya.
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